![]() Tu corazón va a sanar y va a volver a quebrarse mientras le toque pulsar. Your heart will heal and will brake again as long as it is meant to beat. -Jorge Drexler There are moments in life in which we can be enjoying the moment so much in their maximum manifestation, that the tragedy of the past whispers in the ear "It is not going to last very long. Your happiness will fade." The past with it's experiences, dramas, characters, heroes and victimizers will try to catch up with you. The worry about the past begins to take over, the anxiety about the future of "what if this happiness fades", the lack of trust to our own capacity to heal is present. This is the life of traumatized souls. It is the life of those who struggle to believe in happiness, in the present moment, in trusting life and the universe that good experiences are about to come. It is the life who struggle with the unconscious idea that happiness has not been created for them because their brains, their bodies, their emotions are used to bad things happening most of the time. That is how that idea was planted and seeded a long time ago and sometimes we need to decide to feed it or let it die. Letting the idea die implies no water, no sun, no talking to that long ago planted seed of feeling you do not deserve the life you were meant to live. The life of being present and enjoying looking at a flower while you eat lunch outside. The life of being present when a strange and curious bird seats next to you. The life of being present with food and enjoying every flavor to its maximum. The joy of encountering people, looking at their eyes while they are talking because all that matters is what they are saying to you at that very moment. The joy of being in touch even with the most difficult and challenging emotions because you can have access to all of them and all is fine. Life can go on. It is hard to trust the joy and happiness because of the deep believe that sadness will follow happiness. That is what happened before and you say, "why wouldn't it happen again?" However, it is more about knowing that as long as you are alive and feel your feelings, and love, and connect and attach to others, you might experience sadness. And that is ok. Let happiness shine when it wants to.
AutorMerari E. Fernández Castro, Archives
November 2020