The Process...
In the work of healing from traumatic experiences, we might want to learn what you have done to cope with the experience so far. Knowing that the experience of abuse might be a very sensitive experience to share, we will discuss it with you respectfully knowing this is your story and it is an honor for me to be able to guide you in this healing journey. We will ask questions so that you help me understand your emotional and relational experience better. We will provide some feedback as you initially talk. However, it is in the relationship we build together and the deepening of the therapy process that we will be able to be of great support to you. In our work together, we will make the best effort possible to open the space for you to speak about your experience that might have been difficult to talk about. We will work in a way that we can identify the layers in which this abuse, trauma or relationship issues have impacted you or is continuing to impact you. It might be that you feel it is not safe to relate to others anymore or you might struggle establishing trusting, intimate relationships. It might be common that the memories of the traumatic experiences are still present and that you might be struggling with them in myriad ways. Other symptoms such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, self image, chronic pain, self harm, problems in relationships might also be present as result of the complexity of the experiences you are having. When doing this work, we focus on the importance of safety, accountability, listening to your own voice, and making your own life decisions. It is our hope we can work together in this issue in a way that helps you take charge of your life and your own healing journey. You will be able to.... Some of what you can obtain when working with us is a sense of ownership of your story and stepping into your own power. You will be able to talk about your experience with an increase sense of hope and less shame. Life will begin to look different and your sense of isolation will diminish. Some clients have said feeling safe for the first time to talk about those things that trouble them the most and a confidence they will not be judged. They realized the risk of becoming vulnerable in our sessions was worth it. |